About Our Fertilizers

Ferago Trade is at the forefront of technology when it comes to developing fertilizer, distributing many fertilizer products to customers across the globe. If you need assistance and advice regarding fertilizing your crops, talk to an agriculturalist at Ferago Trade today. Together we will help you to get the most out of your crops.

We supply a wide range of crop-specific fertilizers that have been developed to meet the specific needs of different crop types. Ferago Trade is the fertilizer of choice for many farmers and agriculturalists, helping them improve the yield and quality of their crops.

Tailor made solutions

All types of fertilizing products have their importance as well as their limits. Organic fertilizers play a role in returning organic carbon to the soil, but their nutrients can be less available or too available at a moment of the crop cycle where it is less needed by the plant. Biostimulants can increase the nutrient use efficiency but are in most cases not delivering nutrients in itself. Liming materials are important to control the pH of the soil, and so the acidity, and ensure its quality.

One product alone cannot ensure that the crops would grow to its maximum genetic potential. The balance between fertilizing products is as important as the balance between the 17 essential plant nutrients. Thanks to complementary between all product categories, farmers can be enabled to be more effective in their nutrient management by attaining good yields and high quality crops; and even more careful in their practices impacting the environment, and be earning acceptable farm revenues.

Fertilizer Types

Nitrogen fertilizers

Ferago Trade-based fertilizers are the most commonly used straight fertilizers in Africa and Europe.

The main products are nitrate-based fertilizers such as ammonium nitrate (AN) and calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN), which are well suited to most European soils and climatic conditions, and urea and urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) aqueous solution, which are widely used in other parts of the world.

Other straight nitrogen fertilizers include ammonium sulphate and ammonium sulphate nitrate, calcium nitrate, sodium nitrate, Chilean nitrate and anhydrous ammonia.

Nitrogen fertilizers with inhibitors

Certain weather and soil conditions can lead to nitrogen immobilisation, denitrification, volatilization or leaching, all reducing fertilizer efficiency. In response, the industry has developed special types of fertilizers designed to reduce these effects. They include foliar, slow and controlled release fertilizers, as well as fertilizer additives such as urease and nitrification inhibitors.

Phosphorus fertilizers

The most common phosphate fertilizers are single superphosphate (SSP), triple superphosphate (TSP), monoammonium phosphate (MAP), di-ammonium phosphate (DSP) and ammonium polyphosphate liquid.

Different fertilizer products have different release profiles and need different spreader settings for efficient application.

Potassium fertilizers

Potassium is also available in a range of fertilizers which contain potassium only or two or more nutrients and include Potassium chloride (KCl), Potassium sulphate (K2SO4) or sulphate of potash (SOP), Potassium nitrate (KNO3), known as KN.

Calcium, magnesium and sulphur fertilizers

Calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulphur (S) are essential  secondary plant nutrients. They are not usually applied as straight fertilizers but in combination with the primary nutrients N, P, and K.

Sulphur is often added to straight N fertilizers such as ammonium nitrate or urea. Other sulphur sources are single superphosphate (SSP), potassium sulphate (SOP) and potassium magnesium sulphate (Kainite), the latter also containing magnesium.

Kieserite is a magnesium sulphate mineral that is mined and also used as fertilizer in agriculture, mainly to correct magnesium deficiencies. Calcium is mainly applied as calcium nitrate, gypsum (calcium sulphate) or lime/dolomite (calcium carbonate), of which calcium nitrate is the only readily plant available source of calcium.

Micronutrient fertilizers

Today, a large number of special fertilizers are available to supply plants with important micronutrients such as iron, manganese, boron, zinc and copper. These can be either inorganic or organic compounds, with the inorganic varieties further divided into water-soluble and non-soluble products.

Inhibitors fertilizer

There are two major types of inhibitors today available for farmers in the EU.

Nitrification inhibitors are chemical compounds that delay the nitrification of ammonium by suppressing the activity of nitrosomonas bacteria in the soil. The objective is to preserve the ammonium in its soil-stable form and slow its conversion to nitrate. This temporarily reduces the proportion of nitrate in the soil, and thus the potential for leaching losses into water or the formation of N2O gas in the atmosphere.

  • Urease inhibitors are chemical compounds that delay the first step of degradation of urea in the soil, the hydrolysis that can create NH3 emissions and which may occur before its transformation to ammonium. They contribute to reducing significantly ammonia emissions to the air, one of the major air pollutants.

Fertilizer Supplier & Manufacturer

Our innovative and tailor-made products you can apply fertilizer according to the needs and growth stages of your different crops. In this way, Ferago Trade ensures that your crops are given what they need, when they need it most.  Furthermore, you have peace of mind, because you know with us on your farm from the outset, you get the most out of your crop and can be assured of improved efficiency in crop quality and yield potential.

Ferago Trade has developed a complete range of products (nutrition) to cater for the crop-specific and growth-stage specific needs of your crops. Speak to one of our regional managers, sales team or agriculturalists to find out more regarding the specific products that will address your specific needs.

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